
Clark S. & Zoe E.

  • “Co-Host” is a short film script based around the idea that kids’ shows, when looking back at them, can be kind of creepy. We decided to take that idea and run with it, creating a comedic horror story about the connection between an unwell man, Jack, and his puppet counterpart, Gumble. By exploring mental instability and the idea of moving on, the characters are forced to face their pasts and decide their futures.

    The story has evolved many times by the end of our project. When faced with the ambiguity of the script, for example, we were forced to make in-world decisions about what was really happening. Gumble’s character went from being a sinister and devilish creature to a witty, loveable asshole. At the end of it all, we were able to create a script that both spoke to our original vision and grew into something unexpected and interesting.

  • There is no hard and fast definition to creativity. As people find themselves throughout their own lives and experiences, their meaning of creativity will change. For me, creativity just means allowing yourself to be vulnerable and truthful. This could be in writing, acting; even in everyday life.




Birth of an Angel