
Mel P.

  • Mental deterioration has a transformative ability quite unlike anything else. To see others lose themselves to a battle with a spiraling psychological disorder can be heart wrenching. "Blanking" is an oil on canvas created with the intent to portray dementia. The psychological disorder causes memory loss and impairment of judgment, both symptoms most commonly associated with Alzheimer's disease. It is a disheartening thought that a disorder can cause one to forget their family and loved ones, and I attempted to convey that unsettling feeling of no longer knowing someone you have spent your whole life with. The eyes are said to be the window to the soul, and the deliberate blocking of the subject's eyes aids in the estrangement of the man. Warm shades prevalent on his skin make him seem inviting, yet when met with the violent contrast of the white block, any air of closeness is destroyed. Dementia ransacks one's character, and I chose to show that loss by completely blanking out a part of the subject's face. Underneath the white block (paper), his face is completely painted-in. The difference between the original painting and the version with a blank is stark, especially in the mood. Part of my extended series of paintings about mental disorders, "Blanking" represents the ominous horrors of dementia.

  • Art has accompanied me throughout adolescence, allowing me to express my joys and sorrows; my interests and visions. Painting is a hobby I never tire of, and I am grateful not only for the refuge it brings in juxtaposition to my stressful academic life but also for its unique, welcoming community.


Ode Cassandre


Five Color Stone