Different Voices, Blame Game


  • This first poem, "Different Voices" is very close to me. It is based on my own and my friends' experiences with self harm and outside pressures. How can you decide who to listen to when they all want the best for you? What do you do when your own voice tells you to do something that you don't want to do, but you don’t know how to stop? These questions seem so easy to answer on paper, but they really aren't when you're living it. Writing this poem especially was an outlet for me, allowing me to understand more about how to deal with these difficult situations. The second poem, "Blame Game," features a mother and daughter, each who want more out of their relationship but aren't sure who's responsible or how to get there. It reflects a change of mind and heart, each willing to make changes and sacrifices in order to get to where they want to be. Writing both these pieces helped me a lot to deal with some of my personal problems, and I hope they can for you too. Enjoy!

  • For me, creativity, no matter the medium, has allowed me to think through things and process them when I don't know how to or feel like I can't talk about it. It's also really fun for me!


A Shattered Mirror

