The Green Storm

Callie Z.

  • While visiting Canada over the summer, we would usually have to wait until at least 1am in order to see the northern lights. This night however, we heard everyone rushing outside at only around 10:30-11pm, while the sunset was still visible. The dancing lights were the strongest then of any other night, despite it not being very dark out. I knew this was a special and unusual moment, so I wanted to get the aurora and the sunset in the frame. With a long enough exposure, the stars became visible too. The challenge was that the lights were moving, so too long of an exposure and they would blur out of the photo. This photo shows the delicate balance of a long enough exposure to see the stars clearly, while not blowing out the sunset or allowing the aurora to disappear. I was also drawn to the swirling pattern of the aurora, something I had not seen in photos of the northern lights in the past.

  • Creativity is the chance to bring your own unique mind and way of thinking into whatever you are working on, from art to schoolwork to a job to an aspect of everyday life.


Lady in White Dress


Capricho Arabe by F. Tarrega arr. J. Peterson