Throw Roses

Calvin Ray S.

  • This piece is part of a series of short pieces for piano and a vocal quartet based on Carl Sandburg poems. I started writing them while on vacation at my grandparents house, inspired by the refreshing sound of a piano I hadn't played on in a long time. I had just entered another competition which had given me a lot of pointers on how to write a art song, so I try to apply that information when working on these pieces. This song is about how even though the ocean vastly swallows up everything, but still we should send out our roses and our art and out hearts. I am sending out my heart to you with this, and I hope you enjoy.

  • Creativity's both a skill I use in life-to solve problems efficiently, lead people effectively, or understand new perspectives-and in disengaging with life when it's overwhelming or unfulfilling. I turn to art as an audience member or creator to process and release my internalized state of being.


I Remember by S. Sondheim


Smooth Blue Heaven